8 ATCs for 8 Things
Lisa at PolkaDotCreations tagged me for the 8 Random Things meme. Since Artist Trading Cards (ATCs) are my latest thing (more on obsessions in #5 below), I decided it'd be cool to do an ATC to illustrate each random fact about me. So here are my things & my ATCs. (Click on any card for a larger photo & details on how it was made.)
My first car was a silver Volkswagon Jetta, which lasted all of about 6 months til I was rear-ended by a semi when I was overly-cautious at a yellow light. I loved that car & have wanted another VW ever since.
I've never liked peanuts. Couldn't stand to eat 'em... that is, til my husband told me about an article he'd read saying you could train yourself to stop disliking a food. I still wouldn't seek out a bag full o' peanuts, but now I don't mind eating them in a mix.
My husband & I had the Muppet song "Moving Right Along" played as our wedding recessional.
I always thought it'd be cool to bicycle to work. Turns out that's a much easier task if you work from home. (Lucky for me, too, since my bike's sitting in the garage with a flat tire!)
I suspect I have some OCD tendencies, so I try to avoid things (like video games) that have addictive elements.
My overly-optimistic To Do list still thinks I'm going to make New Year's Resolutions for 2007.
I was born with 3 ingrown toenails & have been plagued with them ever since.
I hate telling other people what to do.
And with that last one in mind, I'm not going to "tag" anyone in particular. If you're reading this & you're interested, consider yourself tagged. Be sure to leave a comment below telling me where your list is. (That is, if you want to. No pressure.) Here's the official rules:
- Link to your tagger and post these rules.
- List eight (8) random facts about yourself.
- Tag eight people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).
- Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blogs.