Artist Trading Cards to Swap?
I'm going to be teaching a class on Artist Trading Cards (ATCs) at next Saturday's Central Oklahoma Polymer Clay Guild meeting. I've participated in a few swaps & have several of my own ATCs — but I'd love to have a a few more examples to show the group. If any of you happen to have an ATC laying around, I would love to trade with you. My goal is to show the group a wide variety of ATC possibilities — so while polymer clay would be wonderful, other mediums would be great too.
My mailing address is here if you want to send something (be sure to include your mailing address so I can send one of mine to you).
I've posted a few of my cards in this set on Flickr. I plan to set these up to show which ones are available to trade — I'll let you know once I've got that set up. I'm sure I'll have a few more ATC posts before this is all over — I've really gotten hooked on making them!
Speaking of ATCs, if you hurry over to Jeanne's ART for the HEART blog, you could win one of hers. She'll be giving it away tomorrow to one of the commenters on her blog post.