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Screen Shot: Amazing Crafting Products InstructionsThe folks at Amazing Mold Putty contacted me a while back. Apparently they enjoyed some of my photos & videos, and wondered if they could use them on their website. I agreed, but forgot to check it out until a couple of days ago. They've included several links to this site from both their Instructions and Gallery pages.

I mention this for several reasons. I'm glad they liked the photos enough to feature them, and I wanna welcome folks who are visiting from their site. (Welcome!) But I also mention it because it prompted me to set up a "Related Entries" feature, which you should start seeing at the bottom of each post, just below the words "Like this? You might also like..." This list of related articles is automatically generated based on how I tag my articles. If I've tagged an article with "Amazing Mold Putty," it should link to similarly-tagged articles. Which means that all you new folks who followed the Amazing Mold Putty site's link to this older tutorial will hopefully also find your way to the one I just posted recently.

While I was tinkering under the blog's "hood," I also added another feature we've been needing for a while: Comment Subscriptions. If you want to be notified when new comments are added to a blog post, just checkmark the "Receive an email when..." box when you comment. This is especially useful for folks who are asking a question -- now you can get notification sent to your inbox, instead of having to check back frequently for answers.

I'll be manually updating tags on older posts over the next few days, so those of you reading this through a feed reader may get some older items marked as new (sorry!). Aside from that, I'm hoping these new features will work seamlessly. But if you have any problems, just let me know.

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CraftyGoat's Notes is all about sharing polymer clay tips & tricks that have worked for me. (And even a few that haven't!)

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