
December 7, 2011

Jessica with SantaBaby Jessica and I are now home from the hospital and hibernating — happily and healthily — from the cold. (Yay for online shopping!) Thanks for all the well-wishes.

If you're looking to introduce someone you love to polymer clay this holiday season, I hope you'll consider gifting them with a copy of my other baby, Polymer Clay 101. This book/DVD combo covers tons of polymer clay techniques and projects and is great for beginner (or even intermediate) clayers. Just wanted to mention it since it wasn't widely available until after Christmas last year. You can buy it at Amazon or these other fine retailers.

Hope this holiday season finds you healthy & happy too!

February 18, 2011

I just wanted to let my local readers know that I'm doing a book signing to promote Polymer Clay 101 tomorrow (Saturday, February 19th) from 3-5 p.m. at Full Circle Bookstore in Oklahoma City. This is part of their monthly New Ink Author Expo, where they highlight all the local authors who have new books.

This is a pretty casual event, so even if you already have the book, you can stop to chat or send along family or friends who might be interested in learning about polymer clay (or about the other local authors!). Folks can browse through the book and ask questions, plus they can see some of the actual projects I created for the book. The books will be available to purchase from the bookstore.

Full Circle Bookstore is on the first level of 50 Penn Place, which is at the corner of NW Expressway and Penn in Oklahoma City.

Hope to see ya there!

February 2, 2011

Pebble Light Switch CoverPebble Light Switch Cover (free tutorial available)
Three quick social-media related updates:

  1. If you're on Facebook or Twitter, you can get a free bonus chapter from Polymer Clay 101 just by tweeting or posting a status message. (I'm using a very handy new service called Pay with a Tweet to do this.) The download will show you how to make faux polymer clay pebbles and use them to cover a light switch plate.
  2. Speaking of Facebook, I (finally) started a Facebook page — feel free to "like" it. (You can find links to my other online presences here.)
  3. I recently set my blog up with Flattr, a site that allows users to give and receive micropayments for useful online content. Look for the Flattr button at the bottom of each blog post.

We got close to a foot of snow when the big storm passed through, so I'm hiding inside with chai tea, crock-pot yummies, and a blanket in every room. Hope you're staying warm wherever you are!

December 16, 2010

51bCMf3Dh+L._SL160_.jpgIt's finally here! Polymer Clay 101 is now in stock at various bookstores online (more on where to buy it below). I co-wrote Polymer Clay 101 with Kim Otterbein: she wrote the basics chapter and the first 11 projects, while I did the last 10 projects and "starred" in the accompanying DVD.

Book-writing is so much more solitary than blog-posting — there's a lot of hours of work and a lot of waiting without feedback. So I'm excited that I finally get to show you what I've been up to & see what you think!

Book Overview

Polymer Clay 101 would be great for a polymer clay beginner. The first 33 pages cover all the basics — tools, techniques, color mixing, mold making, sanding & polishing, etc. After that, 21 projects demonstrate major polymer clay techniques. We show how to do important things like Skinner blends and caning... but we also show some more unusual techniques like using an extruder for a filigree look, and carving baked clay. The 45-minute DVD shows each of these techniques in action — great for visual learners!

My Review

Continue reading "Polymer Clay 101" »

November 18, 2009

I've been eager to share this with you guys, but I wanted to wait til it was all officially official. Well, I got the signed contract back from the publisher yesterday, so here goes...

I've been asked to co-author a polymer clay book! It's called Polymer Clay 101, and I'm writing it along with Kim Otterbein. The publication date is currently scheduled for January 2011. Of course, my part needs to be done much sooner than that, so posts here may be a tad sparse for a little while.

Writing a book has been a long-time goal of mine — the kind of big goal you're almost afraid to talk about because you're afraid it won't happen. So I'm very excited for this opportunity. I have a lot to learn, but I've really enjoyed the work so far. Hopefully, once the book it out, you'll enjoy the projects as much as I have!

December 17, 2007

Read on for the December 2007 issue of the Crafty Goat newsletter, which includes our latest news & product info.

Continue reading "Crafty Goat Newsletter - December 2007" »

August 5, 2007

Read on for the August 2007 issue of the Crafty Goat newsletter, which includes football prep, latest products & news, and even a chance to win!

Continue reading "Crafty Goat Newsletter - August 2007" »

May 25, 2007

Read on for the May 2007 issue of the Crafty Goat newsletter, which includes new products, news & the latest contest announcement.

Continue reading "Crafty Goat Newsletter - May 2007" »

April 17, 2007

Mailbox Desk SetComing soon, on a TV near you — will be ME!

Okay, well, it won't be soon, actually. Like 6-8 months after the taping. But I'm gonna be on TV!

HGTV's That's Clever will be filming in Oklahoma City next month, and they accepted my application to be on the show. I'll be demonstrating two projects: my Mailbox Desk Set and my Poker Chip Coasters. For those of you that have seen the show, the desk set is the main project, and the coasters will be the little project they stick on at the end of the show.

For those of you who haven't seen it, That's Clever profiles 3 crafters in each 30-minute show. Each crafter demonstrates a project from start to finish, with a fair helping of goofiness thrown in. And while some viewers don't care for the antics (my mom originally swore she wouldn't watch it, even if I was on!), I suspect throwing in some silly stuff will make me a little less nervous & make the 6-8 hours (!) of filming a little more fun for everyone.

The filming will be sometime between May 15th and May 29th, which gives me just under a month to fix up the house, go on a diet, get a good haircut, buy a new outfit — AND learn about things like making project step-outs and crafting in front of a camera. I'd better get busy!

I'll be posting details about the taping — and once I get info on when the show will air, I'll post that too. I'm excited and a little nervous — but it sounds like a fun adventure, and I love adventures!

March 31, 2007

Read on for the March 2007 issue of the Crafty Goat newsletter, which includes contest winners, an announcement about the monthly contest, and plenty of spring cheer.

Continue reading "Crafty Goat Newsletter - March 2007" »

January 30, 2007

Read on for the January 2007 edition of the Crafty Goat newsletter, which includes sweepstakes winners, new products, and other reasons to celebrate.

Continue reading "Crafty Goat Newsletter - January 2007" »

December 12, 2006

Read on for the Holiday 2006 edition of the Crafty Goat newsletter, which announces our latest contest winners and features some great tips for sending your holiday cards.

Continue reading "Crafty Goat Newsletter - Holidays 2006" »

October 23, 2006

Read on for the October 2006 Crafty Goat newsletter, which announces our latest contest winner and features some great autumn products…

Continue reading "Crafty Goat Newsletter - October 2006" »

September 29, 2006

Read on for the September 2006 Crafty Goat customer newsletter, which tells about some great new products and officially introduces this blog...

Continue reading "Crafty Goat Newsletter - September 2006" »

June 7, 2006

Wondering how we got the name Crafty Goat? Here's the latest newsletter, which answers that question and more...

Continue reading "What's In a Name?" »

About this Site

CraftyGoat's Notes is all about sharing polymer clay tips & tricks that have worked for me. (And even a few that haven't!)

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